Career Profile

I’m an Electronic Engineer with expertise in Human-Machine Interaction. My career spans academia, startup ventures, and industry, focusing on IoT, Ambient Assisted Living, and quality of service monitoring for connected products. At Ariston Group, I led the design and development of innovative processes and tools to ensure the highest standards of quality of service for the company’s cloud system, elevating its performance and reliability.


Quality of Service Manager Connected Services

2022 - Present
Ariston Group, Osimo

In charge of overseeing the Quality of Service for the IoT platform, including monitoring, automated testing, and defining/revising company processes (development, incident management, support).

  • Enhanced observability of production components by 60%, facilitating early anomaly detection.
  • Reduced average incident resolution time by 30% through improved escalation processes and resource management.
  • Automated 70% of mobile application testing, covering 90% of new test cases, ensuring faster and more reliable releases.
  • Achieved 100% closure of high-severity customer-reported issues through robust analysis and problem-solving.
  • Coordinated team efforts, resulting in a 20% reduction in downtime and enhanced overall productivity.
  • Soft skills: Team management, coordination, problem-solving.

Senior Design Specialistic Connectivity

2019 - 2022
Ariston Group, Osimo

Responsible for Automatic Testing of Mobile and Web applications for the IoT Platform.

  • Implemented automated testing protocols for mobile and web applications, reducing testing time by 30% and enhancing product quality.
  • Streamlined testing processes, resulting in a 25% decrease in bug reports and improved user experience.
  • Covered 40% of the core project’s test plan with automated tests to prevent regressions, collaborating with cross-functional teams for seamless integration.
  • Soft skills: Collaboration, technical proficiency, process optimization.

Academic Researcher

2011 - 2018
UNIVPM, Ancona

Study and definition of methods and tools for the design of innovative interfaces and mixed interaction channels with the following results:

  • Implementation of interaction methods to increase user awareness in product usage, with a 20% increase in average user interaction time with the product after implementing new interaction methods.
  • Activation of multimodal channels for multisensory interaction with 25% increase in positive user feedback after activating multimodal channels.
  • Creation of an adaptable and adaptive interface (physical and graphical) based on user capabilities and usage profile, with a 15% reduction in user abandonment rate due to the adaptable and adaptive interface.
  • Analysis and optimization of interaction flow to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and usability, resulting in a 30% decrease in task completion times.
  • Production of 22 international research papers (resource: Google Scolar)

Other activities:

  • As Technical Manager of regional and national projects, completed regional and national projects, with an average of 95% of deliverables delivered on time.


HU.DO s.r.l.


R&D Director of Startup focused on Social Sustainability Tools: I led the research and development efforts to create innovative solutions aimed at promoting wellbeing and sustainability in workplace. Key highlights of my role include:

  • Strategic Research Direction: Guiding the strategic direction for research activities to align with the company’s vision and objectives in social sustainability.
  • Product Development Leadership: Leading cross-functional teams in designing and developing cutting-edge tools and technologies.
  • Partnership and Collaboration: Establishing partnerships with organizations to enhance the reach and effectiveness of our sustainability initiatives.
  • Pilot Projects with Major Companies: Conducted two pilot projects with prominent companies in the Marche region to test the prototype and gather valuable feedback for the development of the final product.
  • Iterative Development Process: Implementing iterative development processes based on user feedback to continuously improve the product.

This experience demonstrates the ability to effectively lead research and development initiatives, collaborate with external partners, and leverage feedback to drive product innovation and improvement in the field of social sustainability.



Design and develop a full-stack application to manage the household in an IoT Context.

  • Spearheaded the development of a speech-based home platform, leading to a 15% increase in user engagement and a 20% improvement in task completion efficiency.
  • Managed the project for a home and health platform targeting the luxury market, resulting in a 25% increase in user satisfaction ratings and a 30% boost in user retention rates.
  • Engineered a Mobile Multiplatform App for Industrial Fridge Management, integrating web services with Modbus interface technology, resulting in a 40% decrease in maintenance costs and a 50% reduction in equipment downtime.
  • Developed a Mobile App for Tourist Tour Gamification, incorporating geotracking, QR-code scanning, and AR capabilities, resulting in a 20% increase in tourist engagement and a 25% rise in positive feedback from users.

InnovaMe Lab s.r.l.


R&D and Product Manager of an innovative drug dispenser for monitoring of the elderly person’s posology. Responsibilities included:

  • Coordinating product design for hardware and software components to ensure seamless integration and functionality.
  • Managing consultants to leverage specialized expertise in areas such as healthcare, technology, and product development.
  • Engaging in fundraising activities within the startup context to secure necessary funding for ongoing development and market entry.

This experience provided opportunities for growth in coordinating interdisciplinary teams, managing external partnerships, and navigating the startup landscape to drive product innovation and growth in the healthcare sector.


Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

IBM by Coursera

Certificate URL:

Monitoring and Observability for Development and DevOps

IBM by Coursera

Certificate URL:

Scrum Master Certification

LearnQuest by Coursera

Certificate URL:

Node.js, a complete guide [MVC, REST APIs, GRAPHQL]

Academind by Udemy

Course held by Maximilian Schwarzmüller. Certificate URL:

Machine Learning Course

Standford University by Coursera

Course held by Prof. Andrew Ng. Grade Achieved: 95.7%. Certificate URL:

Skills & Proficiency

Python & Django

AWS Lambda Functions


Containers (Docker/Podman)

